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About SFG  


Susan Fritz Gonzalez, President and creator of SFG Consulting, has over nineteen years of professional corporate and consulting experience.  Her diverse leadership background encompasses strategic and business planning; the direction of corporate initiatives for the development of policy, control, and internal governance documentation; quality performance program management; the development and management of comprehensive training programs; and other program and project management.

Corporate oversight responsibilities embrace an array of areas including information technology, engineering, human resource, finance, legal, and other production, operating, and administrative functions.  She has supported efforts in the corporate, utility, banking, academic, and nonprofit arenas.

Ms. Fritz Gonzalez is experienced in strategic and business planning for organizations ranging in size from large corporations to sole proprietorships. 

She is expert in developing policy and governance documentation that supports vital corporate initiatives and mitigates business risk. 

Often called upon to plan and manage programs in startup or critical situations, SFG is known for bringing every project to successful completion. 

Ms. Fritz Gonzalez is also an award winning developer of training programs supporting both technical and non-technical functions.  Pertinent topics include information technology, project management, corporate policy, records management, and culture enhancement.

Ms. Fritz Gonzalez holds a position on the Board of Directors for Batavia Access Television.  She is Planning Advisor to the Women’s Business Enterprise Steering Committee of the Women’s Business Development Center in Chicago, Illinois.