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Representative Engagements and Experience


SFG Consulting service offerings are supported by a history of success in these areas:  

  • Strategic Planning
  • Business Planning
  • Policy and Governance
  • Training Program Development and Management
  • Leadership and Project Management

Details of representative engagements are provided.



Serves on Board of Directors for public access television station, providing planning advice on an ongoing basis and leading effort for developing long term strategic plan.

Managed nuclear division comprehensive planning and performance program for excellence in safety, quality, and cost efficiency.  Improved responsiveness to the division s strategic plan by

  • Strengthening accountabilities and communication.
  • Establishing consistent performance measurement criteria for technical objectives.
  • Gaining acceptance at the nuclear stations.

Directed site coordinators and 74 individuals responsible for major objectives; assured that goals were reasonable and appropriately supported; administered tiered computer program for tracking performance; published quarterly performance report relating to plant systems, chemistry, budget, radiation, and other numerically expressed goals.

Wrote and implemented strategy for corporate document retention group that tripled the group s productivity.  Revised conversion program for documentation retention and retrieval system and wrote training manual for company-wide use of the system.  

Planned and managed project for developing sourcing strategies for a major corporate procurement organization.  The strategies

  • Promoted efficiency and consistency in procurement.
  • Enabled effective communication between executives and managers.
  • Guided buyer activity.
  • Served as the basis for buyer performance assessment.
  • Provided a model for the development of other sourcing strategies.

Developed strategic plan and conducted a series of planning sessions for the steering committee of a regional organization for the development and certification of women s business enterprises.  Acts as Planning Advisor on an ongoing basis.

Developed strategy for engineering consulting company outlining plans for

  • Enhancing the infrastructure.
  • Planning, managing, and auditing a consortium of subcontractors.
  • Strengthening external communication.
  • Establishing a safety program.
  • Identifying marketing initiatives.

Supported major bank in initiating program for enhancing relationships in the diverse supplier base, improving supplier operations, and nurturing strategic alliances with minority and women suppliers.  Won executive support for the program; defined strategy for supplier evaluation and assistance; and identified business tools for strengthening supplier infrastructures and quality performance.

Conducted interactive information sessions regarding strategic planning for the alumni association of prominent university, applying strategic planning to individual achievement.

Managed project at major corporation defining a prudent formula for buyer activity that mitigated business risk in connection with supplier Y2K compliance.  Established control framework for buyer interaction with suppliers and internal business units.  Developed formula for assessing and categorizing business risk and wrote responsive buyer strategies.  Designed electronic boilerplates that facilitated decision-making and tracking processes.



Led project for developing business plan for corporation of over 20,000 employees.  Directed 12 business unit coordinators including business unit heads, their representative or accountant.  The plans

  • Identified critical issues and programs for improvement.
  • Capped all business unit budgets over a five-year projection for an average planning year total of $3.2 billion.

Developed initial business plan for information technology corporation that supports business development in the public sector and enables the corporation to obtain contracts as a certified vendor in the diverse supplier base.

Developed the initial business unit plan for a major corporate division, capping the five-year total budget projection at $5.9 billion, (an average of $1.2 billion per planning year).  The development process involved executives and subject matter experts from various support groups, and resulted in a business plan that served as the planning basis in subsequent years.

Developed initial business plan for company in the diverse supplier base that supports inclusion of the business in supplier assistance program.  Created template for the development of a variety of additional business plans.



Spearheaded transition of large corporation into streamlined policy statements and other internal control documentation.  Initiated, developed, and established corporate policy defining responsibilities for executives, managers, and all company employees regarding functions of corporate significance.  The documentation

  • Promoted prudent and cost-effective business practices.
  • Strengthened internal control.
  • Enforced functional authority across organizational lines.
  • Reduced the company's vulnerability to regulatory fines, legal action, and other business risk.

Wrote policies defining requirements for

  • Use of derivatives in financial risk management.
  • Corporate compliance with laws and regulations.
  • Environmental leadership.
  • Training and development.
  • Life cycle management.
  • Corporate ethics.
  • Diversity management.
  • Confidentiality of information.

Developed and implemented electronic tracking matrix to support/drive effort for updating documentation.  Implemented communication initiative that

  • Informed executives and managers of corporate intentions.
  • Surveyed employees.
  • Promoted understanding of the process.
  • Generated support for the transition.

Outlined model for conducting control self-assessments.  Developed and delivered training in corporate policy and internal control.  Wrote plan for internal audit contract administration.

Managed project for developing corporate supply chain governance for the procurement organization of a major utility.  Established requirements for policy/governance documentation; directed and instructed involved persons; and wrote, co-wrote or edited all documents.  The documentation

  • Defined responsibilities for executives, managers, and all supply chain employees across organizational lines.
  • Provided a basis for interaction between the procurement department and internal customers.

Developed training program for writing corporate policy documentation.  The program defines corporate policy, identifies its key elements, and discusses the purpose and value of policy documentation.  It includes sample documents, tracking matrix for comprehensive writing projects, and in-class document writing.

Wrote program for cable television discussing the purpose, essential elements, and value of corporate policy/internal governance documentation.  ( Corporate Policy:  What it is.  What it does. )



Planned and managed comprehensive teaming and communication instruction throughout the nuclear division of a major electric utility.  Directed activity in six nuclear stations and three major support groups.  Supervised writers and instructors; and integrated 40 participants including station managers, executives, and representatives from miscellaneous support departments.  The program

  • Acted as a culture change catalyst.
  • Inspired teaming between nuclear stations and oversight groups.
  • Won a corporate achievement award for excellence in project management.

Devised and directed company-wide educational effort for office information systems.  Created and managed training department that

  • Directly supported equipment installations.
  • Increased operator efficiency.
  • Promoted acceptance of electronic information systems throughout the company.

Developed a variety of training programs and manuals pertaining to information technology, project management, corporate policy, internal control, records management, management skills and culture enhancement.

Developed training program for basic project management that

  • Defines project components and success factors.
  • Involves in-class project planning.
  • Utilizes situational scenarios for practicing team skills.
  • Introduces electronic tracking tools.

Developed training program for writing corporate policy documentation.  The program

  • Defines corporate policy.
  • Identifies its key elements.
  • Discusses the purpose and value of policy documentation.
  • Includes sample documents, tracking matrix for comprehensive writing projects, and in-class document writing.

Wrote evaluation procedure for Engineering & Construction training.  Wrote plan for revising Quality Procedures and Qualification training.  Concurrently developed site-specific computer user manual for engineering and quality oversight groups.

Developed and implemented site-wide computer educational program that effectively supported the startup of a nuclear generating station.  Developed and conducted user-specific training in the Statistical Analysis System and other computer programs.  Concurrently conducted comprehensive physical equipment inventory and summary software report.

Developed comprehensive computer training program that enabled the electronic information exchange between IBM and Wang users at six nuclear stations and an operational training facility.



Corporate oversight and ICC liaison for the simultaneous implementation of 150 projects in response to the comprehensive management audit of a major utility by the Illinois Commerce Commission.  Successfully guided process through massive reorganization, downsizing, and resource reduction.  Directed activity of coordinators in 12 business units and 86 implementation managers in information technology, engineering, legal, human resource, finance, and all production, operating, and support groups.  Held ultimate approval authority for action plans and status reports.  Designed computer program for completion projections and cost/savings summaries.

Planned and managed comprehensive teaming and communication instruction throughout the nuclear division of a major electric utility.  Directed activity in six nuclear stations and three major support groups.  Supervised writers and instructors; and integrated 40 participants including executives, station managers, and representatives from miscellaneous support departments. 

Elected to three year term on the Board of Directors for public access television station.  Provides planning advice on an ongoing basis.  Leads effort for developing long term strategic plan.

Wrote and implemented strategy for corporate document retention group that tripled the group s productivity.  Revised conversion program for documentation retention and retrieval system and wrote training manual for company-wide use of the system.

Proposed and managed project at major corporation defining a prudent formula for buyer activity that mitigated business risk related to supplier Y2K compliance.  Established control framework for buyer interaction with suppliers and internal business units.  Developed formula for assessing and categorizing business risk and wrote responsive buyer strategies.  Designed electronic boilerplates that facilitated decision-making and tracking processes.  Wrote instructions for procurement staff.

Wrote program for cable television discussing the purpose, elements, and value of corporate policy and internal governance documentation. 

Supported major bank in initiating program for enhancing relationships in the diverse supplier base, improving supplier operations, and nurturing strategic alliances with minority and women suppliers.  Won executive support for the program; defined strategy for supplier evaluation and assistance; and identified business tools for strengthening supplier infrastructures and quality performance.

Conducted interactive information sessions regarding strategic planning for the alumni association of prominent university.  The sessions applied strategic planning to individual achievement, and motivated persons experiencing an unexpected career change.  ( Strategic Planning for Life:  How to achieve your personal vision. )

Provided process improvements for enhanced oversight of the comprehensive Chicago Optimization Program Management of a major energy delivery organization.

Selected for various committees pertaining to issues of corporate or technical significance:  Chaired committee addressing employee concerns pertaining to all aspects of corporate business; member of information management committee to promote and govern effective information technology throughout a large business unit; served as policy-writing representative on committee for governing confidentiality of information throughout a large corporation; chaired committee for outlining equipment-based training for operations analysis department.

Developed training program for basic project management that includes a discussion of project components and success factors, in-class project planning, situational scenarios for practicing team skills, and an introduction to electronic tracking tools.

Managed a variety of comprehensive corporate programs pertaining to Strategic Planning, Business Planning, Corporate Policy and Control, and Training.


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